Port Fairy Spring Music Festival
Date: October 15, 2022
Event Website: https://portfairyspringfest.com.au/
Address: Port Fairy
The festival presents classical and contemporary ensemble music in fresh and collaborative programming. It combines the talents of highly regarded established artists with the very best of Australia’s new and emerging young performers and composers.
The program also features drama, orchestral and choral music, jazz, opera, dance and free open air performance in a program of 24 performances over three days. Concerts are generally an hour long and designed especially for the Festival.
School performances, masterclasses, pre-concert talks, artist ‘talks and conversations’ and art exhibitions all enhance the appreciation and involvement of Festival patrons and the community.
The ambience and intimacy of Port Fairy together with acoustically excellent venues helps to engage, educate and entertain all members of the Festival community, and to attract visitors from throughout the state, interstate and overseas.